Within the PWMinder Suite of products, a Repository is the central storage place where all of your password records are stored, kind of like a safe. You give the Repository a name and description and secure it with a Master Password. Each password Record, in the Repository, is grouped into a Category, to make it easy to organize your various password Records. PWMinder comes with a set of standard categories, but using PWMinder Desktop you can create as many custom Categories as you want.
Repositories are compatible with all of the products within the PWMinder Suite; so that a Repository created using PWMinder Desktop can be viewed and edited using iPWMinder, PWMinder Android, etc.
You can manage more than one Repository of password records. This is very useful in cases where you would like to have a separate Repository for home passwords and work passwords or would like separate Repositories for each person in your family.
Each Repository has its data stored in an encrypted file and often this is referred to as the Repository file. Each Repository has its own Repository file. Because the Repository is stored as a file, it makes it easy to copy, move and back up your data. Repository files can also be used with Dropbox, making it even easier to access and sync your password data across your multiple devices.