This Geographic Coordinate Converter, converts between various Geographic Coordinate Systems, allowing you to convert between various Latitude/Longitudes systems and the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system. The application includes a map, that displays the location you converted. In addition, clicking on the map allows you to select a location you would like to convert (see Features for more details).
Maps are based on OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors. Data is available under the Open Database License, see OpenStreetMap Copyright and License page for more information.
UTM Coordinate Converter is a cross-platform application that runs on both Windows, macOS and Linux (see System Requirements for more details). To download UTM Coordinate Converter for your Operating System visit the Downloads page.
While all attempts have been made to make this tool as correct and accurate as possible, Ewert Technologies does not provide any guarantee as to the accuracy of the conversion results, and the tool, therefore, should not be relied upon in any mission-critical applications. Use at your own risk.
Your application was found fully compatible with Microsoft Windows 10 operating system and is completely safe for the end-users to use on their Windows 10 PCs.