Java: To bundle or not

Introduction As every Java application developer knows, in order for your users to use your application, they need a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on their computer. Traditionally, this was done by providing the user with instructions on how to download and install a JRE (or check if they have he correct JRE), prior to installing […]

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PWMinder Desktop 3.0.2 Released

PWMinder Desktop Password Manager 3.0.2 has been released, and is now available for download for both Windows and Mac OS X. PWMinder Desktop, is an application for securely storing, managing all of your passwords. PWMinder Desktop 3.0.2 is a minor release that contains the following changes: All purchase related links now refer to the Ewert

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Java on Mac OS X Update 1

A few years ago, I posted a Blog titles Java on Mac OS X, which, in part gave a bit of the history of Java on Mac OS X, and listed the current state of affairs at the time.  Since then, Apple has released three new version of OS X, but, interestingly, things have not

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How to keep Java up to date on your computer

Java is a popular programming language that is used to run a variety of software applications and programs. The beauty of Java, is that it allows software developers to write programs that can be run on a variety of Operating Systems, including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.  Java has come under fire in recent

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Java on Mac OS X

This is a follow up to another Blog post I made: How does Java Security Flaw affect Desktop Applications Java has been in the news a lot in the past few days, and not for good reasons. A major security flaw was found in the Java browser plugin, and a fix has subsequently been released

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How does Java Security Flaw affect Desktop Applications

There have been several articles in the past few days discussing the Java Security flaw, and the subsequent fix by Oracle.  A lot of these articles recommend removing Java, and basically inciting a fear of Java.  As a Java developer, these blanket statements about Java obviously have me concerned.  When assessing the threat, I think

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Installing Java on Windows

Java is a programming language (originally developed by Sun, now managed by Oracle), used to create web applications, desktop applications and applets. In order to run Java desktop applications, or Java applets, you need to have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and/or Java Plugin, installed on your computer. If you are running Windows, getting the

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