Storage in the Clouds

Up until fairly recently, clouds were merely tiny drop of water up in the sky. If you remember your geography lessons, you might know about Nimbus, Cumulus and Cirrus clouds. In recent years, however, there has been a lot of talk about storing data in The Cloud. Victor EwertI am Victor Ewert, an Independent Software […]

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Computer Cleanup

For many, especially those with kids heading back to school, September is the start of a new year, and as such can inspire you to do a bit of tidying and organizing. In addition to tidying your home, you should also consider the often forgotten job of tidying up your computer. Victor EwertI am Victor

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Essential Software for your PC – Part 3 – Utilities

This is the third part in my series, on giving recommendations for free software, that every PC should have. In Part 1, I wrote about security software, in Part 2, I wrote about productivity software; in this article I will gives suggestions on software that keep your computer running smoothly. Victor EwertI am Victor Ewert,

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Essential Software for your PC – Part 2 – Productivity Software

In Part 1, I wrote about how to keep your computer safe, using free software. In this article, I will give suggestions on how to be productive with your PC, without having to spend any money. Victor EwertI am Victor Ewert, an Independent Software Developer and owner of Ewert Technologies. In the past I have

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Essential Software for your PC – Part 1 Security Software

You have just bought a new Personal Computer, but before you can get any use out of your computer, and be productive with it, you will need some software.  Your new computer may have come with some bundled ‘free’ software;  if it did, be careful, much of the software that you thought was free, is actually

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