Deleting lock file

To prevent more than one Instance/Window of UTM Coordinate Converter from running, a lock file is created when the application starts. When the application is shut down the lock file is removed. If, however, the application isn't shut down normally, (e.g. the computer loses power or Windows crashes), the lock file can remain, and can prevent the application from starting the next time. If you see the following warning:

Lock File Warning

and UTM Coordinate Converter is not already running, you will need to delete the lock file, and then try starting again.

The lock file can be found by using Windows File Explorer and going to:  <user>\AppData\UTMCoordinateConverter\ and finding the file named .lockfile

Note: That the AppData directory is hidden by default and might not be visible in File Explorer. To be able to access it, see the following: How to View Hidden Files and Folders in Windows 10, for instructions.

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Date added:
2020-06-02 14:00:38 PDT
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